Understand Yourself to

Create Happiness and Find Meaning


My name is Kate,  I am a certified life coach and I help people clear up their mind and discover themselves to create happiness and find meaning. 

Picture this: a mind free from clutter, a heart full of clarity, and a soul ignited with passion. That's what I'm here to help you achieve. Through personalized coaching programs, I'll be your guide on the journey to self-discovery and fulfillment. Whether you're longing for direction in your life's path, seeking fulfillment in your career and relationships, or striving to align your dreams with your values, I've got your back.  

Together, let's embark on a transformative journey to create the life you've always dreamed of.


Delve into the depths of your desires, passions, and values to uncover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Learn practical tools and techniques to enhance your well-being and create a life of meaning and purpose. 

Set clear and achievable goals for personal and professional growth, and learn effective strategies for overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way.

Transform self-perceived weaknesses into sources of strength and resilience through targeted coaching and personalized development plans

Online Sessions

Personal Sessions


Tel: +1 917 232 0967


Boca Raton

Florida, USA 

© 2023 KS Coaching